From music festivals to weddings, app developers desire to help you amend organize your, and your friends', result photos.

No affair how much you spend on professional effect photography, yous know your guests are going to record the whole twenty-four hour period with their prison cell telephone cameras anyhow. Several apps offer solutions forcollecting all this coverage into a crowdsourced photo anthology. We establish some options for all mobile platforms and then y'all can access all the smartphone snapshots captured at the next festival, party or wedding you attend.

Wedding Snap collects photos from nuptials guests and so newlyweds can download full-resolution photos from their big day.

1. Wedding Snap; iOS and Android; App is free for guests, but hosts must purchase a bundle to collect the images.

Disposable cameras are every bit common on reception tables as bland chicken. In the age of mobile photography, it makes sense that guests' own smartphones would eventually replace these flimsy film cameras.

Wedding Snap offers packages to couples who want to easily collect all their guests' wedding snaps. The iOS and Android apps are free to guests, but in order to collect the photos, hosts accept to purchase one of three packages. The cheapest starts at $129 — nearly the cost of thirty disposable cameras — and allows for the full-resolution download of all images and comes with 200 educational activity cards for guests. The priciest option is $249 — almost the cost to buy and develop 17 disposable cameras — and includes photograph retouching and a alive, moderated slideshow to play during your event. The only pull a fast one on might be making sure your eager shutter-happy guests don't interfere with your paid wedding photographer.

Sharypic's event organisation is visually highly-seasoned and allows for effect search.

2. Sharypic; iOS; Gratuitous

If you are a social butterfly, you need an easy way to collect and share your consequence photos — no thing how many parties you have thrown in the past few days. Sharypic allows for smartphone-to-app photo uploading and sharing, but information technology also will collect photos from pop social networking sites to assist y'all consolidate your upshot coverage into just i app. If you are looking for a cool party, you tin can search events and cheque out live coverage from attendee photographers.

In Bonfyre, you can create or join groups to share your photos.

3. Bonfyre; iOS and Android; Free

While other apps may be able to share photos, Bonfyre lets you talk almost them, too. Seemingly ideal for a large event like a music festival, Bonfyre allows users to create and join albums also equally enter private chats and so they tin talk about the event as it unfolds.

While the chatting feature of Bonfyre may suggest that it is a hyper-social app, it actually provides quite a scrap of privacy. To beginning, you cannot view any photos or chats unless you participate in them. Once you are using Bonfyre, you can mute the notifications so the chatting and sharing doesn't interrupt your experience. Hosts of events apply Bonfyre for its impact measurement tools and live feedback of the issue as it happens. After the event is over, you can revisit the photos in the Memories tab.

Cluster separates photos within events past photographer.

iv. Cluster; iOS; Costless

Live chatting an event in real time is cool and all, but what if y'all desire to collect photos from an effect that already happened? No need to organize all of your photos yourself. Cluster will sort them out for you based on the time and location of capture. One time categorized, you can create a "cluster" by inviting other people who were at the event to share their photos with y'all. If y'all similar a photograph in a item cluster, a quick tap and concord will requite you the option to download it to your device.

Cluster has some big plans. While the event photo app is currently only available for iOS, its website asks Android, Windows Phone eight and BlackBerry users to give it their phone numbers so they can receive a text messagewhen the app is bachelor for their platform.

FotoJelly for Windows Phone viii allows for private album sharing with Facebook event integration.

five. FotoJelly; Windows Phone 8; Free

For many people, an result starts on Facebook with an invitation simply as the nighttime unfolds, attendees may not be too eager to see their faces tagged on the social network for the world to run across. FotoJelly for Windows Phone 8 will import the details of your Facebook events and let you add the photos separately from the social networking giant. The final albums can then exist shared privately through FotoJelly. The app as well has Asylum editing tools then you can fine tune your photos before you share them.

Napa for iOS shares your photos privately with friends who are at the aforementioned event as you.

6. Napa; iOS; $0.99

The latest in event photo sharing, Napa recently caught our eye, prompting a chat with its founder Chris Lee. Napa — an acronym for "not another photo app"— allows users to share photos privately amidst friends instead of hosting them publicly on a site like Instagram or Facebook. It automatically displays photos taken past your friends at the same time in the same identify, combining them into events.

The developers at Napa have big plans for Android development and eventual photo downloading, but in the meantime, it is a great viewing platform for iOS.